Around The House

Around the House is Unity’s quarterly tenant newsletter, one of many initiatives of regular and relevant communication with our tenants.

Unity is committed to implementing its Community Engagement and Participation Framework to increase opportunities for tenants. One of the framework’s fundamental principles is to keep tenants informed. The National Community Housing Standards and the National Regulatory System also requires Unity to provide tenants with accessible, clear information.

A regular tenant newsletter is the most cost effective method of providing information to tenants. We believe the quality should be high, the content interesting and informative and the appearance attractive.

The content is suggested and written by tenants and staff and is overseen by Unity’s Community Connect Committee. All tenants are encouraged to investigate and submit content for each edition.

Similar to a newspaper, the most newsworthy and timely items are at the front of the publication, and covers a wide variety of topics, including tenant life stories, local events, community engagement opportunities, reviews, recipes, comments and editorial on mainstream news stories, poetry and much more. Content is always centred on Unity’s values and strategic priorities and helps to reflect these; promote events and celebrate successes; provide useful information about the organisation, tenancies, and changes to policy; and offer mechanisms for tenant feedback and engagement.

Around the House is a vehicle for stimulating public debate as well as providing information and entertainment. Views expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent Unity policy or opinion.

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Contribute to Around the House

Do you have a story idea, tips or hints you would like to share with us for a future edition of Around the House? We encourage you to send us your ideas. Email, call into one of our offices or fill in the form below. All submission will be reviewed and considered.