Your Rights

Your rights
As a Unity Housing tenant you have the right to:
- Be treated with respect, fairly and not discriminated against
- Your property being managed by Unity Housing properly and as needed by the law (i.e. the Residential Tenancies Act)
- Confidentiality and privacy of your personal information unless you have given us consent to share it
- Access to your own files as stated in Unity Housing’s Privacy Policy
- Expect your property to be repaired when things wear out or break (unless you cause or let it break)
- To live in your property peacefully for the length of your lease
- Complain and appeal without any comeback if you do not agree with the actions for decisions made by Unity Housing
- Use an advocate e.g. someone else to talk to Unity Housing for you
- Know how to participate in the organisation and to contribute to decision-making
As a Unity Housing tenant you are responsible for:
Keeping your home and garden clean and free of rubbish
- Paying your rent regularly and on time
Using the property in a responsible manner
Not causing or allowing damage to the property
Your behaviour and that of other occupants and visitors, as well as any pets
Providing entry to Unity Housing or its contractors for inspections, repairs or servicing work
Being a good neighbour
Providing your income details for rent review
Not letting anyone else move into your home without Unity Housing’s permission
Notifying Unity Housing if you plan to be away from the property for long periods
Leaving the property clean and tidy when you vacate
Letting Unity Housing know if your household income changes
Click here to read the Dealing with Neighbour Issues information guide.