In our commitment to provide the best assistance for Unity Housing tenants, we’re excited to announce our newly enhanced customer care centre.
Now, simply call one number to reach our specialised service team to get fast answers, expert guidance and to be connected with the right support during regular business hours Monday through Friday.
Dial our TOLL-FREE number: 1 800 551 814 for all your tenancy and maintenance needs.
đź“ž Press #1 for Housing: Connect with our friendly Customer Service Advisors for any tenancy support or queries.
đź› Press #2 for Maintenance: Report any home maintenance or lodge your requests online at Unity Housing Maintenance and Repairs.
When outside of normal business hours, callers can opt to leave a message for housing, or choose our After-Hours Maintenance Service for maintenance emergencies. You can also leave an after-hours message for our customer care centre team as well.